Canada News Oct. 27, 2017
Reference: CTV News, Oct. 27, 2017
RCMP가 잘 못된 정보를 제공한 탓체 시리아에 억류되어 고문 당한 세명에게 300억이 넘는 보상금을 지급하도록 판결이 났군요. 인권을 중요시 하긴 하지만 과도 금액이 지급되고 있다고 생각하는 견해도 있군요. 캐나다는 좋은 나라입니다. 얼마전 북한에 억류되었다 풀려난 목사님도 캐나다 시민권자였기 때문에 살아 돌아올 수 있었다고 하니 말입니다.
미국에서 JFK 암살 관련된 비밀 문서들을 공개하도록 트럼프 대통령이 승인을 했군요. 그렇지만 여전히 상당 수 예민한 자료들은 공개할 수 없다는 군요.
Two new studies have some surprising findings on the prevalence of food allergies among both adults and children. Plus, we have an update to CTV News' report on the settlement paid to three men wrongfully accused of links to terrorism and tortured in a Syrian prison.
Plus, CTV News contributor Richard Crouse lays out the films you should check out at theatres this weekend.
1. $31.3M in settlements: As CTV News first reported, the federal government has paid a total of $31.3 million in settlements to three men wrongfully accused of links to terrorism and tortured in a Syrian prison. Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale's office said in a statement on Thursday that this settlement is 'consistent' with the findings of the 2008 federal inquiry into the detentions of the three men.
2. Allergy research: Two studies have found that food allergies are on the rise in the United States amongst both adults and children. One study found that almost half of all adults with food allergies report that they don't develop their allergies until reaching adulthood.
3. JFK files: U.S. President Donald Trump okayed the release of roughly 2,800 documents on Thursday concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy, but did cave to pressure from intelligence agencies by holding back some.
4. Pension concerns: The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner says she has 'concerns' about Finance Minister Bill Morneau's sponsorship of Bill C-27, which proposes changes to private pensions.
5. Top 40 under 40: Four Canadian police officers and a crime analyst have made the list of top 40 law enforcement professionals in the world under the age of 40.
And one more thing… "Suburbicon" is a beautifully nasty film, nicely made but marching to the beat of a very dark heart, says film critic Richard Crouse.