American English MOOCs for English Language Learners

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These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) help pre-intermediate, intermediate, and advanced level learners improve their English skills in five major career fields. Each MOOC is self-paced and is five weeks long.

English for Media Literacy

Learners will develop and practice English language skills related to different forms of media. Learners will develop critical thinking skills as they read and evaluate different types of media, such as social media, blogs, podcasts, television, film, newspapers, and magazines.
Register here

English for STEM Fields

In this MOOC, learners will increase their English vocabulary and understanding of grammar structures used in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.
Register here

English for Business and Entrepreneurship

Through this MOOC, learners who want to become entrepreneurs will improve their English language abilities to communicate ideas about business. Learners will learn how to write a business plan, conduct market research, and communicate with clients and customers.
Register here

English for Journalism

This MOOC will help learners improve their English language skills in the reading, drafting, editing, and proofreading of modern journalism.
Register here

English for Career Development

Learners taking this MOOC will improve their English skills for professional development. They will learn how to write resumes, cover letters, and professional email messages.
Register here

Listening, Speaking and Writing



News, Podcast, TED, etc

Comics, Blogs, etc

Database for English

The curated list of videos for learning English

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