
  1. Get personal and be authentic. Don't try to be someone you are not. Admissions officers want to get to know the real you so use your essay to show what makes you unique. 
  2. Choose a topic that matters to you and will allow you to highlight your strengths. An easy way to do this is to start by choosing one word that best describes you. Next, identify at least three of your strongest attributes and at least two significant events or experiences that have helped define who you are.  Finally, pick a topic that allows you to show your best qualities and tell your story.
  3. Be original.  You are a unique person so make your essay unique and different.
  4. Show don't tell and remember: details, details, details! You want to bring the reader into your experience by using specific examples and details that show your reader what you were doing, thinking and feeling instead of just stating facts.
  5. Proofread. This doesn't mean just using Spell Check. Have a teacher or parent proofread to catch any mistakes you may have missed.

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