Larry David Pissed off - Curb your Enthusiasm season 7

NBC Network Broadcasting Center

Nose-bleed section  best seats in the front lines

You crapped on the head of the network. 

I'm gonna bring it

Bring it to the table. to make a contribution.

Bring your A game.  somebody is doing excellent.

A game. He's got A game. for dating

Snoop Dogg : the pioneer of hip pop in the nineties. Represents West Coast Rap

What's the dizzel? What's the deal?

nuckus.:  causing alarm

Bring some nuckus up in here. cause stir, trouble

Rosie O'Donnell American comedian who is very straight. 

She came out of the closet. tell everything

beat the crap out of you.  hit everybody.

heavy set overweight, 

She is a heavy-set weight. Polite way of saying fat.

freaking freaking tired, ....

putting the freaking bill paying everything

Shove it up your ass. Go to hell. End the argument.

You can't hold up the course. 

You can't hold up the line like this.

Two of you, better keep your (god damn) trap shut. Keep your mouth shut.

He doesn't know how to keep his trap shut. He doesn't know how to keep a secret.

I made it up. I imagined or invented.

menage a trois  Three people in bed. threesome

I was a little flattered. She boosted my ego.

It was an ego boosted.

I don't need you to defile her. make things dirty.

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