Season 01 Ep 01. Grab a spoon

Grab a spoon

More like a metaphor than a slang word, grab a spoon means that women are like different types ice-creams and that you should grab a spoon(meaning that you should get back in the game)

"Dude, I just broke up with Wendy."

"Hey, listen you gotta grab a spoon dog."

Billy, don't be a hero. 1974

YouTube: Paper Lace - Billy don't be a Hero 1974

Wikipedia: Billy Don't Be a Hero

If I can invade Poland, There isn't anything I can't do. Chandler was referring to Hilter during WII who said that 'if I can invade Poland, I can have the entire world' meaning that if he could invade Poland there was nothing he couldn't do. Thankfully he was wrong. -

Lenny and Squiggy Neighbors of Laverne and Shirley 

Wikipedia: Laverne & Shirley

YouTub: Lenny & Squiggy

Barn raising scene The film Witness starred Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis. It was a suspense thriller set in the Amish community of America. The love scene was really the "Don't know much about history" scene. The barn raising scene was just that. All the neighbors and friends turned up to help a young couple (newlywed I think) literally raise a barn. The scene was significant as it showed the close relationship between the Amish people. The only sound was the hammering of nails and rousing background music. Barn Raising itself is a community event for the Amish people. The number of people helping make up for the lack of modern equipment and tools. Men and boys in the community help. The bulk of the work is completed in one day. While the men work the women prepare food for them.  -

YouTube: Witness Barn Scene

Wee One's production of Pinocchio "Wee Ones" refers to little children. In this context, it's the name of the theater company, which means Joey acted in a children's show. Of course, Joey feels a little ashamed because he isn't famous. -

There was no snap in his turtle for two years. He was impotent for years. -

Liza Minnelli

YouTube: Cabaret, Liza Minnelli

Wikipedia: LizaMinneli

YouTube: Theme from New York, New York

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