Reference: CNN travel

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You have an under-performing employee and it’s time to let them go. What’s the best way to deliver the news?

By Elizabeth Garone

24 April 2016

An employee steals something or is caught in a terrible lie. It’s clearly time to sack them.  But what about a worker who hasn’t made an egregious mistake? 

What if someone isn’t an untruthful or malicious person but just doesn’t have the right skills or aptitude for the role, is the wrong fit, or needs to be let go due to layoffs? Are there particular words or times that are better than others to deliver the news? And is there anything you can do to soften the blow?

Firing someone is “never easy because [it] impacts individuals, families, workplaces and communities,” said Chicago-based global executive leadership coach Alicia Bassuk in an email. But she said sometimes it’s just inevitable. 

Do the right thing

Before you sack someone, make sure that you have done everything possible as a manager to develop their skills, said Bassuk. And, consult human resources to ensure you’re following the right process. 

“If it seems like ‘they don't get it’, then they probably don’t,” she said. “Give them the benefit of the doubt that if they had that skill, they would be using it. Teach them that skill by taking the time to mentor them through it step-by-step with your full attention.”

If things still aren’t working out, then it will be clear that it is time to part ways. That way, “you can sleep well at night knowing you did the right thing,” said Bassuk.

What versus how

For a lot of managers, getting rid of an employee is very stressful and not something they are skilled at doing. But it’s important to remember that there is a difference between “what you do and how you do it,” according to Robert Sutton, author of Good Boss, Bad Boss and a Stanford University professor of management science and engineering. “It is important to help people understand why it is necessary,” he said, “that it’s justifiable, not just a crazy leader doing it.”

One of the worst parts of losing a job is the loss of control one feels, said Sutton. While you might not be able to give a worker control over whether they lose their job, they can be involved with figuring out how the process unfolds, “the when and how they go,” he said.

Behaviour problems

Even if the reason for being fired relates to the employee’s behaviour, don’t use the meeting as an opportunity to blame them. “It may be tempting to do so and to say everything you always wanted to say. This can be seen as justification and you do not have to justify yourself,” said Jorg Stegemann, head of Kennedy Executive Search with offices in Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Paris and Prague. 

By the time you get to this meeting, there should already be well-documented evidence that the person isn’t working out in the position. “If something goes wrong, always keep a written trace (record) and not just a verbal one,” said Stegemann.

He recommends sending emails that clearly document the problems. For example: “You have come late to work for the second time this week. This jeopardises the production and results of the team. Please make sure you arrive on time or we will have to take disciplinary actions. You are a loyal employee and we count on you.” This way, “the employee cannot say ‘I did not know’,” said Stegemann.  

Keep it short and sweet

You don’t want the meeting to drag on. You can always turn to human resources for help with the preferred language to keep that conversation focused as well as help with any rules or steps they want you to follow. Don’t confuse the conversation about being fired with feedback, said Bassuk. Once the decision has been made, “it is too late for feedback.” 

“Make it short, swift and clean,” said Stegemann. “Avoid something like, ‘You know, it hasn’t been easy for all of us...’” This is an unnecessary torture for the employee and may leave them unclear on what you are actually telling them. Stegemann instead starts with, “I am very sorry, [insert name], but I have to dismiss you today”. Then he pauses and counts to five so the employee can digest what he just told them. Then, he explains it in more detail.

Don’t do it alone

Stegemann said he has seen everything from tears to people yelling at him during a sacking. So, it is better not to hold a meeting like this alone. “Take another manager, preferably a human resources manager, with you in case something out of the ordinary happens,” he said. “It might become emotional and you never know how [the person] will react.”


part ways
drag on

Them's the rules.

It's an idiom used by particular groups of English speakers (Southern Americans, Brooklynites, for example) in colloquial speech. It means, those are the rules. If you see it in printed form, it will likely be in dialogue spoken by a person who uses a distinct dialect. Here are some examples of its use over the years. You'll see that each example contains a heavy dose of other dialectical pronunciations and informal ungrammatical constructions.

'황당한 영어 Puzzling Expressions' 카테고리의 다른 글

Are you bananas?  (0) 2018.03.18
I've got your back.  (0) 2018.02.14
황당한 축약어 ain't  (0) 2018.01.22
Sixty Nining  (0) 2018.01.21
Shoulda coulda woulda  (0) 2017.12.31


Here is a man who chose a different path. He didn’t go for the typical black or whiteboard and stand in front of it to teach. Instead, he chose a smarter way to deliver his lectures, the online way. Yes, we are talking about Salman Khan, the man behind Khan Academy, a non-profit organization with a mission to provide ‘free world-class education for anyone anywhere’. To fulfill this, Khan Academy offer its resources to everyone free of charge. Some 4500 tutorials covering a wide range of academic fields including Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Finance, Mathematics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Physics, Healthcare, Organic Chemistry, History, Economics, Macroeconomics, American civics, Microeconomics, Computer Science and Art history are available in the organization’s website.

The birth of this unique concept took place when Salman Khan, A Harvard Business School, and MIT graduate began using the Doodle notepad by Yahoo to teach mathematics to his cousin and soon, the idea became a big hit when his other relatives also asked for the same kind of assistance. He decided to post tutorials on YouTube which became much sought after by students and soon Mr. Khan quit his job to start his Khan Academy. This online organization runs on donations that have come from all sections of the society and the organization already has 283 million total views on YouTube with 1,233,000 subscribers.

The best part about the concept that defines Khan Academy is that, not only it let students learn, but also allow teachers and parents to have a constant watch on what students are going over. Other than tutorials, the website offers many more educational features like exercises for practice, progress tracking as well as myriad other tools that would help teachers in schools. You can easily login to Khan Academy with your Facebook or Google account, in case you are not comfortable with creating a new profile on the website. Or get access to the materials free of cost with the help of the new modern UI application by the academy that is available on Windows Store. The current content on the website generally targets the syllabus of school physics and mathematics, but the future will witness a wide coverage as Mr. Khan has every plan to offer “tens of thousands of videos in pretty much every subject”.


Many critics are of the opinion that it is the free-of-charge and wide availability to all nature is what will take Khan Academy to great scales and fulfill Mr. Khan’s cherished dream of developing “the world’s first free, world-class virtual school where anyone can learn anything”. 

Check Khan Academy at –

Are are you bananas?

Are you crazy?

Image result for bananas meaning

Image result for bananas meaning
When you "go bananas" you behave in a slightly crazy or silly fashion. The expression is considered slang and is therefore used only in informal contexts.
The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy

Aparna went bananas when she was introduced to Brad Pitt

'황당한 영어 Puzzling Expressions' 카테고리의 다른 글

Them's the rules  (0) 2018.03.23
I've got your back.  (0) 2018.02.14
황당한 축약어 ain't  (0) 2018.01.22
Sixty Nining  (0) 2018.01.21
Shoulda coulda woulda  (0) 2017.12.31

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