Them's the rules.

It's an idiom used by particular groups of English speakers (Southern Americans, Brooklynites, for example) in colloquial speech. It means, those are the rules. If you see it in printed form, it will likely be in dialogue spoken by a person who uses a distinct dialect. Here are some examples of its use over the years. You'll see that each example contains a heavy dose of other dialectical pronunciations and informal ungrammatical constructions.

'황당한 영어 Puzzling Expressions' 카테고리의 다른 글

Are you bananas?  (0) 2018.03.18
I've got your back.  (0) 2018.02.14
황당한 축약어 ain't  (0) 2018.01.22
Sixty Nining  (0) 2018.01.21
Shoulda coulda woulda  (0) 2017.12.31


Here is a man who chose a different path. He didn’t go for the typical black or whiteboard and stand in front of it to teach. Instead, he chose a smarter way to deliver his lectures, the online way. Yes, we are talking about Salman Khan, the man behind Khan Academy, a non-profit organization with a mission to provide ‘free world-class education for anyone anywhere’. To fulfill this, Khan Academy offer its resources to everyone free of charge. Some 4500 tutorials covering a wide range of academic fields including Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Finance, Mathematics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Physics, Healthcare, Organic Chemistry, History, Economics, Macroeconomics, American civics, Microeconomics, Computer Science and Art history are available in the organization’s website.

The birth of this unique concept took place when Salman Khan, A Harvard Business School, and MIT graduate began using the Doodle notepad by Yahoo to teach mathematics to his cousin and soon, the idea became a big hit when his other relatives also asked for the same kind of assistance. He decided to post tutorials on YouTube which became much sought after by students and soon Mr. Khan quit his job to start his Khan Academy. This online organization runs on donations that have come from all sections of the society and the organization already has 283 million total views on YouTube with 1,233,000 subscribers.

The best part about the concept that defines Khan Academy is that, not only it let students learn, but also allow teachers and parents to have a constant watch on what students are going over. Other than tutorials, the website offers many more educational features like exercises for practice, progress tracking as well as myriad other tools that would help teachers in schools. You can easily login to Khan Academy with your Facebook or Google account, in case you are not comfortable with creating a new profile on the website. Or get access to the materials free of cost with the help of the new modern UI application by the academy that is available on Windows Store. The current content on the website generally targets the syllabus of school physics and mathematics, but the future will witness a wide coverage as Mr. Khan has every plan to offer “tens of thousands of videos in pretty much every subject”.


Many critics are of the opinion that it is the free-of-charge and wide availability to all nature is what will take Khan Academy to great scales and fulfill Mr. Khan’s cherished dream of developing “the world’s first free, world-class virtual school where anyone can learn anything”. 

Check Khan Academy at –

Are are you bananas?

Are you crazy?

Image result for bananas meaning

Image result for bananas meaning
When you "go bananas" you behave in a slightly crazy or silly fashion. The expression is considered slang and is therefore used only in informal contexts.
The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy

Aparna went bananas when she was introduced to Brad Pitt

'황당한 영어 Puzzling Expressions' 카테고리의 다른 글

Them's the rules  (0) 2018.03.23
I've got your back.  (0) 2018.02.14
황당한 축약어 ain't  (0) 2018.01.22
Sixty Nining  (0) 2018.01.21
Shoulda coulda woulda  (0) 2017.12.31

영어 듣기를 하다 보면, 전체적인 스토리가 이해되는 경우가 많다. 여기서 발생하는 논리적인 모순이 전체적으로 이해된다고 혼자 확신하는 것이다. 대화를 이해한다고 하는 것은 큰 맥락을 이해하고 디테일도 이해될 때 가능하다. 영화를 보더라도, 사실 영상만 봐도 전체적인 흐름은 이해할 수 있다. 이해된다는 착각과 실제로 들린다는 것과는 다르다. 내가 화자를 따라서 말할 수 있는지를 확인해보라. 많은 부분을 듣지 못하고 따라 하지도 못한다는 것을 알게 된다.  이 때 좋은 훈련법이 Shadowing이다. 대화를 대본없이 소리만 듣고 재빨리 따라서 말해 보는 것이다. 객관적으로 내가 제대로 듣고 있는지를 확인할 수 있다. 따라하지 못한다면 들리는 것이 아니다. 들리지 않다면 이해하지 못하고 있다는 뜻이다.


12 Simple Phrases That Are Guaranteed to Make People Like You More

A dozen simple, easy-to-remember phrases, and they'll almost always make other people react positively to you.

Bill Murphy Jr. 

The late, great American poet Maya Angelou once said, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

The truth is, your word choice creates a brief impression that can lead to a lasting impression, long after the particulars have been forgotten. That's why the world's most charismatic people tend to use some of the same phrases over and over.

Here are 12 of the most effective. Consciously pepper them into your daily speech, and watch the results.

1. "Here's the situation."

Ever known people who hold onto information like a scarce commodity? It can be frustrating and annoying trying to learn what's going on--anxiety-producing even--not to know about things that could affect your future. The people who share good information in that kind of situation--not rumors, not bluster, but good information--become some of the best-liked people around.

2. "Tell me more."

Most people like to talk about themselves. Almost everyone likes to hear that the things they're contributing are considered valuable and welcome in the conversation. So, be on the lookout for good opportunities to show that you're listening to others, and that you appreciate their viewpoints, by very explicitly asking them to share more than they already have. They might not remember why, but they'll walk away with a positive opinion of you.

3. "What do you think?"

Very much related to number two. People want to believe that their opinions matter, and that they can affect the world around them. So, if you become known as someone who legitimately wants to hear others' opinions, you'll quickly increase your charisma. It applies in almost every situation--from casual interactions among strangers to serious work meetings.

4. "What can I do to help?"

Insightful people realize that nobody really does anything amazing without somebody else's help. So, we're all naturally wired to be grateful to people who offer legitimate help as we pursue our goals. If you have information, skills, or insights that will help others achieve their goals, others will appreciate you for offering them.

5. "Please/thank you."

Politeness costs you absolutely nothing, but can pay big dividends. You pay respect; you get respect.

6. "You're welcome."

When you say "You're welcome," rather than "No problem" or another dismissive phrase, you acknowledge that you've done something worth thanking for someone else. This can only trigger a positive reaction in others.

7.  "Let me find out for you."

This phrase indicates not only that you're willing to help--like number four--but also that you're willing to go out of your way to do so.

8. "I've got your back."

We all like to know that we're not alone. Solidarity leads to affinity.

9. "I'd like you to meet..."

Introduce people to each other, and become a connector. By lending your credibility and your time, you'll automatically make people grateful. If the connection turns out to be positive or fruitful, they'll also remember you made it happen.

10. "I believe you can."

We all face moments of self-doubt. Sometimes all it takes to overcome them is to hear that somebody else doesn't doubt us. And people will remember that you're among the ones who thought they could achieve their goals.

11. "I think you can do a lot better."

This phrase is interesting. It's criticism, but it's criticism rooted in faith. Sure, you're telling someone that you think he or she has fallen short, but you're also indicating that you have confidence in this person's ability to achieve more. 

12. "Let me be up-front with you."

Setting expectations, signaling honesty, refusing to waste another person's time: This simple phrase suggests the other person is not going to hear from you what he or she wants to hear. But it can engender positive reactions because it at least shows you want to treat this person with respect.

--- Words















--- Expressions

The truth is, ...

lead to a lasting impression.

frustrating and annoying

become some of the best-liked people around

be on the lookout for good opportunities

from casual interactions to serious work meetings

Politeness costs you absolutely nothing, but can pay big dividends.

You pay respect, you get respect.

I've got your back.

Solidarity leads to affinity.

By lending your credibility and your time, ~

positive or fruitful

be rooted in faith

fall short


You are going to watch out and be a second set of eyes for someone. You will look out for their best interests and let them know if they have missed something. You will stick up for them.
DbyrnHey, Frappe, I saw some kids messing around near your car, looked like they might be think about breaking in. 
Frappe: Dude, seriously? 
DbrynYeah, I took some pix of them with my cell phone and they saw me and split really quick. 
Frappe: Thanks Dude! 
Dbryn: Don't worry, you know I've got your back.

'황당한 영어 Puzzling Expressions' 카테고리의 다른 글

Them's the rules  (0) 2018.03.23
Are you bananas?  (0) 2018.03.18
황당한 축약어 ain't  (0) 2018.01.22
Sixty Nining  (0) 2018.01.21
Shoulda coulda woulda  (0) 2017.12.31

New Reference: NPR Radio

Wow! I would like to buy Marvic Air! 

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