morally aggressive  being nice in a nasty way

stand behind Larry  support Larry

pipe down be quiet

turn off ~  I don't feel interested, don't have any desire to do something.

freak of nature  somebody behaves strangely, strange behavior 

lyme disease  caused by being bitten by Tick

everything goes  everything goes wrong

skin cancer  Melanoma

Wait till you see that. You gonna die.  You'll really love it.

They make a mountain out of a mole.  exaggerate

It's not my (quite) cup of tea.  I am not interested.  I'm not really into it.

It's my cup of tea. I like it

He has taste.  He knows that it is a good fashion. 안목이 있다.

tooth fairy  어린이 젖니 빠졌을  이것 베개  넣어두면 요정 가져가는 대신  두고 간다고 .

wiggle out  비틀어서 빼다

old factory nightmare It's a mess.

The coast's clear. You're safe. Nobody's here.

bum homeless person, strange person, 

the unwritten rule agreed social rule

She put her gun to my head. to force you to do something

No one's gonna put your gun to your head. 

No one's going to force you.

No can do. I can't do it.

she uses obscenities. Cursing

The movie is too obscene for kids.

Disabled Restroom Stall 

ADA Compliance Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) published in September 2010 by the Department of Justice

Stall  칸막이

Archaic  old

disabled physically disabled not handicapped

able-bodied having a strong healthy body

douche bag  Jerk

dibs claim of rights

I would have given you dibs.

Larry Mocks Hotelguy

being petty  concerning small things

bellhop bellboy

Don't be Dubious

Larry respects wood

Has it ever occurred to use your coaster

a covering (plate or mat) that protects the surface of a table

We'll just sand it off.

Ring around the toilet.



All in the family, Edith finds an old man, S-4, E-3

Edith befriends a nursing home runaway, but Archie is not too happy having a reminder of his own advancing years hanging around the house.

You just made it in the nick of time. at the last possible moment

Do I have to pay out of pocket? deductible money

The rest comes out of my pocket.

Get off my back. Don't bother me and I am taking care of this. cohabitate live together 동거하다 Out of the wedlock child out of a wedding 사생아 Domestic Partnership Policy insurance company's rule 동거관계에 대한 보험회사의 정책 Get with it Be up to date, time's going. 시대에 뒤지지 않도록 열심히 하다. He lives in a box. Anything unconventional is foreign to him. 상자에 갇혀 살다. kleptomaniac someone with an irrational urge to steal 도벽이 있는 사람 getting deported handed over to the authorities 경찰 등에 인계되다 tuna chicken of the sea One good turn, deserves another. pay it forward. "Pay it forward" is when people pay for the price made by a car right behind them.

Edith befriends a nursing home runaway, but Archie is not too happy having a reminder of his own advancing years hanging around the house.

Household name

collect call landline old man = old husband, my hubby,

My Babe, My Bae

Pjs Pajamas

You can lead them to water, but you can't make them pick up the phone when they aren't home You can take a donkey to the water, but you can't make them drink. Old folk's home Senior or retired center, nursing home

Dementia, Alzheimer's disease

mellow pretentiousness 20 questions shoot = go ahead broke out = escaped good for nothing What are you good for? You are good for nothing.

free country

It's a free country.

He's sharp for his age.

He is still ticking.

Half of the day is gone.

800-xxxx toll-free numbers

900-xxxx adult service numbers

100-xxxx information numbers

He hollered at me. Give me a holler.

He conned me. He deceived me.

I was conned by him.

ex-con. ex-cheater.

Con-artist. professional deceiver.

Don't get me wrong. Don't misunderstand.

freeloader somebody who lives together but pays nothing.

I'm going to pay every penny with interests.

He can barely make ends meet.

They can barely make ends meet.

Golden years the time of life after retirement from active work

This is a good sample test for the beautiful girls taking a speaking test. ^^

Curb  Your Enthusiasm - Mile High Hero

joining the mile high club

Mile high club means people who want to have an intercourse in the lavatory in the airplane.

Public Indecency 외설죄   act of behavior to make people uncomfortable

Indecent exposure 공연음란죄

flasher 바바리맨, 노출광


He is a petty person. Someone who pays attention to tiny things.



Endangering the passenger safety

That's so not like you.

Curb  Your Enthusiasm - 5 second rule

He got a boner. He got aroused.

5-second rule mostly used for food.

Typical ways of American counting

1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi... 5 Mississippi, it's way too long

1 sheep, 2 sheep, .., 

He wasn't turned on by her.

Curb Your Enthusiasm - Mile High Hero

false alarm  misunderstanding

We don't see eye to eye.  We don't get along because of the personality difference.

Wake  the day before a funeral

I am going to the wake.  

Cremation Put the ashes in an Urn.

Bone picking ceremony

Busted out in tears. I was wailing.

wailing wall

They try to grin and bear it. to look competent.

I just shut down the conversation. stop talking

Eavesdrop on somebody


They looked like they were running around "like a chicken with its head cut off."  madly, frantically, crazily

POC People of Color

skit  a little part of the comedy show


The implication that I'm not enough to be a dermatologist.

lame joke 썰렁한 유머

That's a lame joke


You are fussy.

You are finicky.

you trippin  slang. you're kidding

nursing home

Karma came back and bit him in the butt.

Just spit it out. 

Just tell us. Just say it.

Let's not beat around the bush. Tell me straightforward.

You can say that again.  You're right. I agree.

Bonafide  genuine real 100%

Bonafide business opportunity.

Sister, brother  때때로 같은 인종 같은 종류의 사람을 언급할 때 사용.

Get out of here. Get out of town.

1. Get out

2. Are you serious? You're kidding. No way.  농담하지마.

Reference: Curb your enthusiasm

Recommended Drama:

  • TGIF Friday night sitcom

  • Friends

  • Sex and the city

  • Seinfeld --> Strongly Recommended, New York Jewish humor

  • Curb your enthusiasm Season 1 - 8 --> HBO

ABC American Broadcasting Corporation 




He burns his bridges with people. 인간관계를 망치는 것.

He has no filter. 필터가 없는 것처럼 생각하는 것을 직설적을 표현하는 사람.

Jerry David has no filter, shameless.

Affirmative action - have to hire a certain number of black people, minority.

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