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Does your accent make you sound smarter?

Reference: bbc.com

                  Why people change the way they speak

Some of us will speak with a posher voice if we think it will make the right impression, but is it worth it? Accents are more than just about how we speak, writes Chi Luu.

By Chi Luu

23 May 2017

They say you should always dress for success, but should that extend to the way you speak?

We’re not adverse to dressing appropriately to make a good impression at work or for a social engagement, even if it means wearing clothes we wouldn’t normally choose to put on. Is changing your accent to get ahead any different?

There are some famous names who have done it: Margaret Thatcher swapped her Lincolnshire accent for a posher one, adopting the standard ‘received pronunciation’ (or RP), which at the time was thought to be more in keeping with a position of political power.

More recently, Tony Blair and George Osborne took their own accents in the opposite direction, introducing more working class "mockney" inflections in their upper class speech, in an attempt to enhance their perceived approachability. With such obvious changes to their accents, they were roundly mocked for lacking authenticity.

A standard dialect is simply one local variety of a language which has become most publicly accepted in social institutions such as the media, the law and government. In many Anglophone countries, the dialect spoken by most of the population is considered to be standard, such as Standard American or Standard Australian English. In the UK, however, the so-called standard – known as RP or the Queen’s English – is spoken natively by less than 3%. Yet, it’s unreasonable to suppose most Britons are speaking their own language incorrectly.

Linguist and author Rosina Lippi-Green refers to this as “the standard language ideology”, where many people believe the dialect with the highest social prestige is also the only correct and valid form of the language. In fact, all dialects and accents are linguistically valid.

Some professionals whose regional accents are deemed non-standard by their employers, like these trainee teachers from the north of England, can find themselves under pressure to tone down their native accents to improve their job and progression prospects.

There are some workplaces, such as call centres, that even offer accent training programmes for their staff. Some promote regional accents that are widely seen as more trustworthy, calming or pleasant, such as Scottish English or Southern American. Today, it is not as simple as moving your speech patterns up the social ladder to boost your career prospects.

How far is too far?

But when we examine the reasons why anyone would consider changing their accent, we uncover a raft of biases that shouldn’t necessarily be reinforced.

First, it's not exactly easy to put on a new accent for work and take it off when home like you would a new suit, even if you’re a highly trained actor.

No doubt, we find some accents more entertaining or more amusing than others. But accents aren't just purely about how we speak –  they are one of the most distinctive cues for where we come from. They immediately mark out who we are and they form a core part of our identity. Entire stereotypes have built up around different accents - New Yorkers are rude, British RP speakers are educated, Yorkshire speakers are trustworthy, Southern Americans are pleasant, and Birmingham speakers, depending on who you ask, either sound melodic or like criminals. Accents can be funny things… until they’re not.

Whether you're from Birmingham or Brooklyn, working class or the upper crust, a second language speaker or native-born, accents say a lot more about someone than you might expect.

Studies have shown it can take just 30 milliseconds of speech – enough to say “hello” – for listeners to identify a person's ethnic or cultural background as being different from their own and make snap judgements about the kind of person they might be, whether positive or negative.

Thanks to this kind of bias, accents can be a shortcut that allows us to "linguistically profile" others based on the stereotypes of their regional backgrounds, class, gender or ethnicity. Without even realising, we can use this to discriminate. This can make it hard for marginalised and minority speakers to find a job, gain an education, or even in find a home.

In one study, John Baugh, a sociolinguist at Stanford University, made repeated phone calls in answer to newspaper advertisements for apartments, using different accents, and recorded how many of those apartments were available or unavailable, depending on whether he used African American English, Chicano English or Standard American English accents.

When Baugh used a non-standard accent, suddenly fewer apartments were available to him. This is not because there’s anything linguistically wrong with those accents, but that listeners judged them as markers of racial and ethnic traits that they found undesirable.

Since the 1960s, research has reinforced how listeners can attribute all kinds of unrelated personal traits to a speaker – from height, physical attractiveness, social status, intelligence, education, good character, sociability, even criminality – just based on how they sound. Like in Baugh’s test, experiments present subjects with different “guises” or accents performed by the same person. Listeners invariably respond differently when faced with different accents, even if the person speaking hasn’t changed. In the real world, these biases can have far-reaching repercussions for those who speak with a socially stigmatised accent.

It’s thanks to these language attitudes that for some, an accent becomes a source of cultural pride, but for others, a secret source of shame. But these attitudes about the way we sound are so pervasive that even non-standard speakers may judge their own dialects and accents just as harshly as others do, perpetuating the erroneous belief that their native speech is “incorrect” and needs to change.

If you can’t beat ‘em

This ingrained linguistic prejudice has led to studies showing that people consistently rate those with standard accents or ‘prestige’ accents as being more competent, intelligent, effective communicators and better suited to high status professional jobs. Those with non-standard accents are often rated as better employed in lower status, less desirable jobs.

These findings can have a major impact on our working lives and careers, especially if you speak with a non-standard accent. A recent ITV/Comres survey on UK language attitudes found that over a quarter of Britons feel they have encountered accent discrimination. The more people change their accents to fit in with prevailing attitudes and stereotypes, the more those views are reinforced.

This has had some real life impacts. For example, there are fewer academics who have kept their regional accents, because students somehow just don’t find them as effective if they have one – and often rate them accordingly – regardless of their actual expertise.

Even in job interviews it’s easy for an interviewer to fall into the trap of believing that a person’s mere accent is enough to indicate their ability. A surprising 80% of employers admit they do discriminate based on accent, according to recent research. In extreme (though not uncommon cases), people have lost their jobs thanks to these prevailing attitudes, even when their accent had no bearing on the actual work.

With such a linguistic minefield to navigate, is it any wonder people consider making their accents over for an easier life?

Easier said than done

Before you call that speech and dialect coach, consider that even if you do successfully change your accent, it may not matter. Experiments have shown that listeners can still have problems cognitively processing information from a speaker when their accents don’t seem to match up with their perceived background.

In one test, subjects were shown two different pictures, one of a Caucasian person and one of an Asian person. The same audio of a native speaker talking in standard American English was played as participants looked at each image.

Subjects had significantly more trouble understanding the speech when looking at the Asian “speaker”. Some even went so far as to identify a non-existent foreign accent, showing how social biases bleed into our cognitive interpretations of language. So, it’s clear there are other social factors that play into how job candidates and employees are judged, even if you end up sounding posher than the Queen.

But practically speaking, if you look the part and find it necessary and productive to lose a stigmatised accent it’s possible to do successfully on an individual level. Many people have, but at what cost? Rather than advising people to change a core part of their identity, it’s important that all of us become more aware of our hidden linguistic prejudices. On a wider community level, for many, changing an accent isn’t a viable solution to dealing with discrimination in the workplace. In the long run, tweaking how we sound to improve our career prospects? It just doesn’t work.

Chi Luu is a computational linguist and contributor to JSTOR Daily's Lingua Obscura column.

Reference: ted.com

My Philosophy for a Happy Life

1. Be OK with what you ultimately can't do, 

   because there is so much you CAN do.

2. Surround yourself with people you want to be around.

3. Keep moving forward.

4. Never miss a party if you can help it.

-- Sam Berns

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

- Ferris Bueller

Image result

What you guys don't understand is, for us, kissing is as important as any part of it.

Everything you need to know is in that first kiss.

I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act.

standup comedian

sit through

Pink Floyd

The problem is, though, after the concert's over,  no matter how great the show was, you girls are always looking for the comedian again, you know? I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic.... basically just trying to stay awake.

Word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise, next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone.


He's out banging other women over the head with a club.

he's out hitting women on the head with a club.



bang other women over the head with a club



Three's Company

Are you through with that?  = finish



I just don't give them any more ammunition than they already have.

chaotic and twirly




The big one had a thing for you.

It might take some of the heat off me.



There are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars.


You may wanna steer clear of the word 'dumped'.




roll with the punches 피하다, 적당히 다루다

be on the table  검토 중이다.

made of honor 미혼 들러리

We're kind of a thing now.  a thing means a romantic relationship

You've got plugs. a hair transplant

orthodontist 치열교정 의사

border on

wind up ~을 끝내다

have[get] one's own way 멋대로 하다


mother to be 임신부

cheap shot

Season 01 Ep 01. Grab a spoon

Grab a spoon

More like a metaphor than a slang word, grab a spoon means that women are like different types ice-creams and that you should grab a spoon(meaning that you should get back in the game)

"Dude, I just broke up with Wendy."

"Hey, listen you gotta grab a spoon dog."

Billy, don't be a hero. 1974

YouTube: Paper Lace - Billy don't be a Hero 1974

Wikipedia: Billy Don't Be a Hero

If I can invade Poland, There isn't anything I can't do. Chandler was referring to Hilter during WII who said that 'if I can invade Poland, I can have the entire world' meaning that if he could invade Poland there was nothing he couldn't do. Thankfully he was wrong. - answers.com

Lenny and Squiggy Neighbors of Laverne and Shirley 

Wikipedia: Laverne & Shirley

YouTub: Lenny & Squiggy

Barn raising scene The film Witness starred Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis. It was a suspense thriller set in the Amish community of America. The love scene was really the "Don't know much about history" scene. The barn raising scene was just that. All the neighbors and friends turned up to help a young couple (newlywed I think) literally raise a barn. The scene was significant as it showed the close relationship between the Amish people. The only sound was the hammering of nails and rousing background music. Barn Raising itself is a community event for the Amish people. The number of people helping make up for the lack of modern equipment and tools. Men and boys in the community help. The bulk of the work is completed in one day. While the men work the women prepare food for them.  - usingenglish.com

YouTube: Witness Barn Scene

Wee One's production of Pinocchio "Wee Ones" refers to little children. In this context, it's the name of the theater company, which means Joey acted in a children's show. Of course, Joey feels a little ashamed because he isn't famous. - italki.com

There was no snap in his turtle for two years. He was impotent for years. - tip.daum.net

Liza Minnelli

YouTube: Cabaret, Liza Minnelli

Wikipedia: LizaMinneli

YouTube: Theme from New York, New York

Larry David Pissed Off - Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 8

Our friendship is about that much now.

I'll tell you what ~  To start to bargain ~

Larry David is petty

He goes overboard. He overdoes.

Larry David Pissed off - Curb your Enthusiasm season 7


NBC Network Broadcasting Center

Nose-bleed section  best seats in the front lines

You crapped on the head of the network. 

I'm gonna bring it

Bring it to the table. to make a contribution.

Bring your A game.  somebody is doing excellent.

A game. He's got A game. for dating

Snoop Dogg : the pioneer of hip pop in the nineties. Represents West Coast Rap

What's the dizzel? What's the deal?

nuckus.:  causing alarm

Bring some nuckus up in here. cause stir, trouble

Rosie O'Donnell American comedian who is very straight. 

She came out of the closet. tell everything

beat the crap out of you.  hit everybody.

heavy set overweight, 

She is a heavy-set weight. Polite way of saying fat.

freaking freaking tired, ....

putting the freaking bill paying everything

Shove it up your ass. Go to hell. End the argument.

You can't hold up the course. 

You can't hold up the line like this.

Two of you, better keep your (god damn) trap shut. Keep your mouth shut.

He doesn't know how to keep his trap shut. He doesn't know how to keep a secret.

I made it up. I imagined or invented.

menage a trois  Three people in bed. threesome

I was a little flattered. She boosted my ego.

It was an ego boosted.

I don't need you to defile her. make things dirty.

Talking about cities, Seoul and Tokyo.

find the mean between the two extremes.


eclectic fashion


throw up

finishing religious

forbidden city

The signage is pronounced.




Frank Llyod Wright - architect of minimalism

seismic proof


Larry David Pissed Off - Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 6

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